Unless otherwise noted, Eisai Inc. does not review the information contained in the resources below for content, accuracy, or completeness. Use of and access to the information are subject to the terms, limitations, and conditions set by the Web site producer. Eisai Inc. makes no claims about the accuracy or any other aspect of the information contained on these Web sites, nor does Eisai Inc. necessarily endorse these Web sites.

Talking With Family & Friends
by Help for Cancer Caregivers
Review tips on communicating as a caregiver, including what you may need to talk about, how to talk about those topics, and how to respond to upsetting comments. This resource is provided by the Caregiver Action Network (CAN).

For Co-survivors
by Young Survival Coalition
Get tips and resources on self-care and handling finances with this guide for caregivers.

Caring for the Caregiver
by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
Listen to this audio program to learn about communicating, finding information, and making decisions as a caregiver.

Support for Caregivers
Find a network of support for caregivers, including a helpline, monthly support groups, networking events, and other resources.

Get Matched With a Caregiver
by the Cancer Hope Network
Connect with another caregiver who has had a similar experience and can offer support.

Get Support: Breast Cancer Helpline
Connect with other survivors or caregivers through helpline numbers listed by cancer type and language. There is also a form to request a supporter to call you. Get information on how to join the 9 telephone support groups each month for those living with metastatic breast cancer.